
Redrum Announces New “Inner Bhutty Sauce”

Redrum.com has a new Bhut Jolokia based sauce

With the introduction of the new Bhut Jolokia pepper, Redrumhotsauce.com has just announced their newest sauce, the Inner Bhutty Island Sauce. There’s a great story behind it, so be sure to check it out.
Here’s a peek at the new label:
Inner Bhutty

Inner Bhutty is made by Ed Rome, and since he and his company Redrumhotsauce.com is a small batch manufacturer, you’ll want to get your hands on this stuff before it sells out.

Ed has this to say about his newest sauce:

This year I only made 1 sauce, I took all the peppers from my harvest, Bhut Jolokia, Habanero, Jalapeno, Bird’s Eye, Hungarian Wax, Serrano and Thai, smoked them over Hickory wood, made a mash and used them for this sauce. No extracts, no preservatives, just flavor and heat!
It is called… INNER BHUTTY!
This sauce is a tribute to my old time favorite, Inner Beauty. Why Inner Beauty is no longer made is a mystery, but people keep looking for it and asking for it!
It was the first “super hot” sauce I fell in love with back in the 80’s and still my favorite today.
It is an island style sauce with Mustard, Curry, Mango and Pineapple with a twist…Bhut Jolokia!
Sweet and flavorful up front with a slow building burn after. My personal opinion is that this is the best sauce I have ever made, the few testers so far seem to agree…I hope you think so too!
With the economy the way it is, I priced it accordingly; it is 5 dollars a bottle, (7 ounce flask). Email me or order it from the website RedRumHotSauce.com , the website has a 10 dollars shipping for all you want to order price and you can pay with PayPal, but if you just want 1 bottle I can ship it for less.
I made a few 1 of 1 bottles, they are on the site too, they are priced very reasonably, here are some pics:
Thanks! ChileHeadEd

For you collectors out there, Redrumhotsauce.com also has an extensive collection of one-of-a-kind bottles that are sure to please.

Twitter folks, follow RedRum on Twitter as @redrumhotsauce and tell them HotSauceDaily sent you.

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  1. I LOVED Inner Beauty! I worked at an oyster bar that had a million different sauces, and that was always my first choice and recommendation. When will you be making more of your homage?

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