Weekend of Fire 2009 Photos By Joey Ramone Combs
Wow, considering I was not able to go to the Weekend of Fire, I’ve got some great friends who were there and are sharing their experiences with us here.
Here’s a slideshow of photos taken by Joey Ramone Combs (courtesy of his dad, Randy). Joey’s only 11 years old, but I think you’ll agree that he takes great photos! Thanks guys!
I just wanted to again thank my friend Randy for sending in these great pics from the show. His son Joey is quite the budding photographer! And hopefully a future “chilehead” too! Thanks, guys!
Also, here’s a shoutout to DK over at TasteTheFear.com … thanks to his post I’ve learned the ease of use for showing a slideshow with PicasaWebAlbums. I’ve hated Flickr for so long, but didn’t want to admit to using PicasaWeb. I’m converted. This was so easy. Thanks DK!
Wow! Looks like I can eat it as I saw the pictures. Good camera resolution. They are more tastier. Indeed, it’s a nice one.