Fat Cat – Cat in Heat Hot Sauce – review
Fat Cat Foods has launched their newest creation, Cat in Heat. Their hottest sauce yet is bright red in color, is medium thick, and brings a hot kick all of its own. Urged by their customers to add an extra-hot sauce to their initial line-up – Fat Cat created Cat in Heat and delivered.
There are some Hot Sauce Manufacturers that have a “signature flavor” – CaJohn’s with their deep, complex, stand alone chiles and blended flavor profiles – Heartbreaking Dawns’ prolific and diverse sauces and condiments – Bigfat’s line-up of Xo8’s – Race City Sauceworks’ cutting edge sauces – I could go on and on about the companies that consistently present a character flavor that represents their sauces. Add to this list Fat Cat out of Orlando, Florida.
Marilyn and I here at HotSauceDaily got a chance to preview this new sauce in its infancy and give some feedback to Ayal and Deborah Goldshmid about the flavor and heat level in their newest sauce. They tweaked it based on ours and others’ feedback and came up with a greatly improved hot sauce that stands at the top of their heat level offerings.
Ingredients: fire roasted tomatoes, chipotle peppers in adobo, red wine vinegar, roasted red bell peppers, tomato paste, water, habanero peppers, onion, green bell peppers, lemon juice, ghost peppers, sea salt, mustard, sugar, garlic, cilantro, smoked Spanish paprika.
Texture & Appearance: – I’m a sucker for a bright red and fairly chunky hot sauce. The texture and appearance here is amazing. Big, bold, bright and brilliant. That’s 4 big B’s from me.
Taste Straight Up: – Sweet, fire-roasted tomatoes are up front, but enjoy them quickly, as the heat kicks in fast! The multi-pepper combo of chipotles, habaneros and ghost peppers brings on a fiery blast that will coat your mouth and drift down into the back of your throat. The hint of garlic, cilantro and other spices, including the mustard, is every so slight. Don’t look for those flavors to come out strong – they are supporting players.
Heat Level: – The tongue searing heat is fairly short-lived, in my opinion. Fat Cat claims it’s a 10 out of 10 on their heat scale. And as far as their current line-up now stands, it is indeed their hottest yet, but I feel it’s more of an 8 out of 10 in heat. Which happily allows them to turn the knob up to 11 at some point.
Label/Graphics: – 5 Stars for consistency in labeling and graphics. The fact that the label’s background color is red gets bonus points from me. It’s just simple and very classy.
On Food:
On eggs (omelette):
Cat in Heat was fiery, zesty and a welcome hot sauce addition to the usual cheese and ham omelette:
On nachos:
Cat in Heat really shined on my nachos. The heat from the microwave / oven seemed to really bring out the flavor.
In Chili:
Cat in Heat really punched up the heat and flavor of my Wawa chili. Again the roasted tomatoes were the star of the sauce, and the chiles lit up the place! Just a good, all-around hot hot sauce for flavor and heat.
Overall Rating (Taste on Food, Final Thoughts): – At 4 stars, it’s one of the best mega-hot sauces out there. Not ultra-hot mind you – that belongs to the ridiculous sauces that are all heat and have little flavor. THIS sauce brings the flavor, the heat and the mouth feel (texture) that I enjoy.
Visit http://fatcatfoods.com/ and check out all of their sauces and gift packs.
Thanks very much for the great review, and for all the help you provided in crafting this product. You guys are the best!
Now I am singing the Cat in the Hat song in my head (Cat, hat, in French chat chapeau, in Spanish it’s el gato in a sombrero) lol.
I think I’d stay with the Fat Cat. I like heat but not as much as you two chile heads!!!
Happy Holidays to you and Marilyn!