Bowers PA Chile Pepper Festival 2014
This past weekend was the 19th Annual Bowers Chile Pepper Festival. My sources say there were between 12,000 – 14,000 visitors this year! For the first time in the past 5 years we missed attending…

Thankfully, our good friend Captain Jim Kirk of Captain Jim’s Sauces was there and graciously agreed to share his pictures with us. Visit Captain Jim at
Who: Bowers PA Chile Pepper Festival
What: 19th Annual Chile Pepper Festival and Hot Sauce Show
When: 2014 – we missed it – Always the first weekend after Labor Day
Where: Bowers PA is located midway between Reading and Allentown, and just outside of Kutztown PA.
How: How’d we miss it? Medical reasons. How’d YOU miss it? Dunno. But make plans for next year!
Bowers Chile Pepper Festival 2014 in Pics
Click any pic to view in a big, gorgeous, slideshow format.
Feel Better soon,,,,
Brian. You’re welcome for the photos. Sorry they aren’t up to my usual standards but my real camera is in the shop. Had to use the cell phone. Hope you are back on your feet soon. Can’t wait to see you somewhere down the trail.
Thanks for sharing, Captain Jim. Spicy peanut brittle…that is something I have to try out.