Alexandra’s Kitchen – Food Blog Monday

Ali has a beautiful food blog called Alexandra’s Kitchen at

Her blog reflects her Southern California location and with delicious looking photography. Local restaurant reviews are also part of her site.

The Ramos House Cafe

Her recent post about having breakfast at The Ramos House, a beautifully historic home in the Los Rios area of San Juan Capistrano, is a treat to read. Photos and illustrations highlight a nice review.

Tomato Juice = Bloody Mary, Clamato Juice = Bloody Caesar

Although, I have to take issue with the recipe that they call a Bloody Mary.

And this issue is mainly with The Ramos House Cafe mistakingly calling it a Bloody Mary, when in fact, it is actually a Bloody Caesar.

The Bloody Caesar was invented in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1969 at the Westin Hotel by bartender Walter Chell. Mott’s worked with Chell to create Mott’s Clamato Juice.

Therefore, a drink containing Vodka and Clamato, no matter the embelishments, is by it’s very nature A Bloody Caesar.

Check out Ali’s incredible photography and nicely done blog, and tell her Brian from HotSauceDaily sent you.

Ali has also recently moved from to using WordPress. Nice move, Ali!

If you want me to feature YOUR blog, or you have a favorite blog that I could showcase, let me know in the comments below, or use the Contact page, or email me at brian [at] hotsaucedaily [dot] com.

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